The Arrival of Our New Baby
I was so excited to be having a baby girl but as I progressed well into my pregnancy I became scared that I would not notice the signs of foetal distress. We had a scare with our first baby and when I think long and hard I realise that if it wasn’t for my sixth sense and the powers that be; we would have lost our son. I had no business being in that hospital on that Sunday but I felt that something was not right and it saved my little man’s life.
Was I going to go back to Neonatal Intensive Unit (NICU) with my Princess baby? Was a team of specialists going to storm into my birth suite and ask for consent to perform an emergency caesarean? These were questions that ran through my mind as time was fast approaching.
About two weeks before my scheduled c section I had a pin drop of blood and no further ooze when I went to the toilet. I immediately went to Maternity Assessment and Triage Unit (MATU) to get it checked out. They did a speculum test and my cervix was shut and everything seemed ok and I was sent home. Then a week later I had some mucous discharge and what I thought were strong Braxton hicks. I rang MATU and they said to keep an eye on it; and did not seem to be too concerned.
I went to sleep that night but something told me to pack my bags as birth is always the unknown. I know you are wondering why my bags were not packed already? I was looking for the perfect hospital bag; and the rest is history. That night I just took a regular trolley case I had in the closet and packed. My Braxton Hicks got stronger at night and my sister via Imessage laughed and said woman you could be in labour. I didn’t know what real contractions felt like so I was not sure what was going on; and as I googled I got responses like if you are on google you are not experiencing real contractions. I shut my laptop and went to bed.
The following morning I woke up and was in pain and I had further discharge. I quickly washed my son and took him to the day-care on my way back to MATU. I remember one of the day-care teachers asking me when I was going to have the baby and I jokingly said I was on my way to the hospital. Off I rushed before any slippery accidents occurred. I still wasn’t sure what was going on; but I just wanted to have my baby monitored for peace of mind. I got to the hospital car park; it took about 20 minutes to park as I was after a specific spot in the car park. I decided to leave my bag because I thought I was being dramatic.
Checked into MATU without my hospital book as you would do… NOT! Second babies make you lose your system a little bit. I got onto a bed and had a window view while we waited for the Doctor. Hang on; I am having contractions and everyone is being casual about it. I knew it was the real deal. The doctor came; did their checks and yes indeed I was in labour. I was going to be on the afternoon list for a c section. It was about 11am at that time. My husband thought I was joking and said do you need me now; I have one more job to go and he works in Brisbane! After screaming at him; behold the man was on his way. Got to the hospital and on arrival had to put his scrubs on. Had he delayed he may have missed this! And what does my precious husband ask the midwives? Can I take a shower? There was awkward silence, then laughter as the midwives thought it was hilarious. Men, why do you do these things? You are not the centre of attention!
Our beautiful baby arrived into this world on June 11, 2015 at 304pm and she is the most beautiful baby; second to her brother… Browny points? She was a whopping 2.7kgs; and yes another small baby. I knew I had work to do as my babies tend to play catch up when they are born and keep me up all night nursing.