I was always a reader growing up and remember reading Goosebumps, Nancy Drew Files, Hardy Boys and not forgetting Sweet Valley High and University. I have two kids and one is a reader and the other hasn’t grown into her reading potential. The key to reading is not just getting […]
I have completely neglected my blog and been busy juggling my career, business and being a mother and then this pandemic hit. I am usually a private person and I have not let any of my readers into my world. 2 weeks ago when we were all wondering what was […]
The biggest conversation that we start having as our children start growing and getting to school age is Private School versus Public School. I always think this debate can be a sensitive one and can be almost like discussing religion; you have to tread lightly. Without getting into this biggie, […]
Magic 100 Words Australia Sight Words Sight words are words that cannot be sounded out and need to recognized by looking at them (on sight). Your child may start sight words in Prep. We have compiled the first 100 sight words for you. A And An All Are As At […]
The arrival of our new baby I was so excited to be having a baby girl but as I progressed well into my pregnancy I became scared that I would not notice the signs of foetal distress. We had a scare with our first baby and when I think long […]
I remember my husband buying some cradle cap solution for our first baby because somewhere in the baby manual it mentioned that you must be prepared for cradle cap and diaper rash. It was something that just sat on the change table and accumulated dust. We never used it and threw it […]
Sesame Street Colour of me

Do you know what to do if your baby stopped breathing? It is important to follow the principles of survival and make mental notes as you go making sure you have completed every step as caregivers may panic and not know what to do. Some have commenced resuscitation and forgot […]
Mixie Baby Bottle Review I did a lot of research about Mixie and so I was able to make an informed decision on whether to buy it for my daughter or not. Firstly, my daughter was not taking in any formula. I had tried several bottles and when I thought […]
Brush your Teeth Everyday and Every Night Sesame Street: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush PSA This song makes me want to brush my teeth all the time. My son loves it and so will your children. Perfect for teaching how to brush and encouraging your child to brush their […]