
It seems like yesterday when we were at our prenatal classes. I remember learning so much in one class. When my baby was born, every mommy milestone was a celebration. I finally was comfortable immersing my little man in the bath, I could breastfeed with my eyes closed, I was […]
Ok, so your twelve months is up and you are exactly two weeks away from returning to work. The count down starts now. Palms sweating, stomach churning… I think I am getting a mini panic attack! Goodbye sleeping in and napping when baby naps. Goodbye internet shopping whenever I felt bored. Last […]
Isn’t it funny how time flies, I remember expecting my first baby and preparing for that special day. The television program Labour and Delivery was my addiction. Baby is here, “done with that”. The emotions of the birth process was both scary and fulfilling. Next came the book “What to Expect The […]