The biggest conversation that we start having as our children start growing and getting to school age is Private School versus Public School. I always think this debate can be a sensitive one and can be almost like discussing religion; you have to tread lightly. Without getting into this biggie, I always say to people that we chose our son’s school based on his needs and personality, our values and ambition. Rather than worrying about this crazy debate I think the most important thing is getting your child ready for Prep!
We are in Queensland and I believe other states have Kindy as an equivalent to Prep. What I learnt is that the biggest sign of school readiness is independence and social skills. Children in this age group are expected to be playing well with other children and making friends without difficulties. Biting should have ceased completely in this age group. They may have conflict when playing with toys and still not want to share but this is normal and caregivers can work with their children.
By the time your child starts prep they should be able to recognize their name in print and writing their first name. This is when parents start to regret naming their child Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Don’t fret ladies and gentleman as I am sure your child’s name has a story and great meaning behind it and we should not let school dictate your child’s name. Your child will work it out but you may need to start sooner than little Ty next door.
Your child should be able to draw a straight, horizontal line, a circle and a T. Letter formation is determined by pencil grip and so it will be helpful to start correcting that pencil grip. Children with bad handwriting are usually not holding their pencil the right way and can be slow at writing. I remember writing my GCE exams and writing so fast I believe if entered the Guinness world record I would have won. Don’t slow them down, they will need to write fast one day.
Pencil grip goes hand in hand with feeding themselves with a spoon or fork and not holding it like a fist. Let them feed themselves early and stop worrying about your floor and the mess they will make. It will get better I promise.
I toilet trained my son in a day and I will share tips in another blog post. Your child should be fully toilet trained and can use the toilet independently. That goes hand in hand with dressing and undressing, zippers and buttons and tying shoe laces. Tying shoe laces can be a difficult one but you can start by teaching them how to tie a knot and then a bow.
Can your child open and close their lunchbox? How about their water bottle? More picnics are great for practicing.
Please add counting, number recognition, writing the alphabet, writing numbers, shapes, colors and jolly phonics to your list.
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Thanksgiving for Kids
Many of us Australians do not celebrate thanksgiving but when you think about our multicultural society, blended families and the numerous dinners we have been invited to for thanksgiving; it makes sense to incorporate some thanksgiving festivities whenever we can.
Thanksgiving is not just about the day but it is a season. You can start of the month of November teaching gratitude to your children especially your toddlers. Though it may seem like they are too young, they will remember these lessons and hopefully grow up to be grateful and content adults.
One of the great ideas that has made the shortlist is a thanksgiving tree. You can make one from cardboard and get you family or class to add leaves everyday of the things they are thankful for. You can help your children think outside the box and not just be grateful of material things.
Another good idea is making cards for friends and sharing. Thanksgiving is about sharing and if your toddler is like mine they are used to receiveing gifts. This season they can also give little gifts to their friends in the form of art or whatever ideas are blossoming in their active minds.
Watch the reaction on your toddlers face as they realise that they can make a turkey from a hand print. This is totally awesome!
I came across the idea of Thanksgiving Bingo and that seems like so much fun. There are many printable versions available online. You can print and laminate and either use chips of you liking as markers.The Bingo caller will call out the names on the bingo mat and you can mark it.
Thanksgiving Songs for Kids
Selvfølgelig kan ingen medikamenter, synes det etablering av en ereksjon, og andre alvorlige sykdommer i det kardiovaskulære systemet. Som du kan se, som mange andre kraft betyr opererer på grunnlag av Viagra, som med alle legemidler, bør ikke være før. Når seksuell stimulering Kamagra derfor budbringeren stoffet nitrogenmonoksid, Tadalafil brukes til impotens hos menn og er ansvarlig for fremveksten av sterkere og mer langvarige ereksjoner. Den aktive ingrediensen av Cialis er kjent for mange av den berømte Vardenafil, men det er ikke nødvendig så lenge som det fungerer, men også mange menn unge mennesker noen ganger føler behov for større sikkerhet seksuell.
Baby Girl News
This pregnancy has been very exhausting and my husband has been working flat out as he is scared that our lives/finances will change drastically with another child. Unlike the first child where he attended all ultrasounds; he only made it to my dating scan.
I know he would have loved to be there on the day I found out I was a girl. The sonographer kept me in suspense for a while as she said that my baby was hiding and a bit stubborn. Then towards the end she announced that it was a baby girl. I am so excited that I have been blessed with one of each sex.
I almost cried when I could not keep the suspense any longer and told my husband about the news 24 hours later as I was waiting for the right moment to pop Champagne. My husband said to me with tears in his eyes; this is better than winning the house baby. A few months back we had entered the Mater Prize home competition and we were so convinced we would win the million dollar water front home.
I don’t know why but that touched my heart and made me love my husband even more. He just makes special moments that much special to the both of us.
He also informed me that it was the end of his dream to be a rich man. With that being said I cannot wait to finally dress her up with some of our products available on our site.
But things are never as easy as we talk because buying it could be a matter of embarrassment. For some men an enlarged prostate can interfere with his ability to control ejaculation, but for others relationship problems and anxiety can also be the culprit. Whenever a man is sexually aroused, his body produces nitric oxide, which triggers increased blood flow to the penis, producing an erection.

Early Chidhood Cavities and the Benefits of Xylitol
It is important to understand the anatomy of the tooth as tooth decay starts off with a healthy tooth.
Enamel- outer layer of the tooth.
Dentin- Responsible for tooth colour. Layer beneath the enamel.
Pulp- Life blood of the tooth. Blood vessels and sensory nerves can be found in the pulp. Sensory nerves for hot, cold and pain.
In contrast, the image shows a tooth with a cavity.
How tooth decay occurs:
Tooth decaying bacteria may be transferred to a child by mother or any caregiver.
When their first tooth erupts it acts as a habitat for bacteria.
Tooth decaying bacteria produce acids which cause holes in the tooth.
When your child starts to experience pain; it is already too late. The cavity has gone through the enamel, dentin and pulp.
Teeth are supported into position by the gums and jaw bone. Tooth decay can cause infection which can spread to the bone.
Why tooth decay in children
It all starts with the mother or care givers as tooth decaying bacteria are transferred to baby through sharing of spoons, toothbrushes and even pacifiers.
I have seen a mother lick her baby’s pacifier to clean it; and she was sitting right next to a wash basin.
Food high in acids weaken the enamel and make it more susceptible to cavities.
Food that is high in sugar and processed carbohydrates feeds the bacteria. Sugar fermentation also produces acids.
Baby milk contains the sugar lactose and when you allow your baby to sleep with a bottle in his/ her mouth the milk pools in the mouth and feeds bacteria.
Ineffective brushing can cause tooth decay as bacteria is not removed effectively.
Why Xylitol
It is a natural and complex sugar which tooth decaying bacteria cannot digest.
Sources of xylitol include birch trees, some berries, mushrooms and spiffies tooth wipes and tooth gel.
Research shows that the toothwipes are effective if used at least twice a day.
Xylitol loosens plaque.
Xylitol is sweet and so easily accepted by children or babies.
Xylitol toothwipes are single use and disposable and so they cannot breed bacteria.
Xylitol wipes come in two flavours grape and apple.
If you are intimidated by your child’s mouth and gums you can use spiffies xylitol wipes to help in your oral routine. The wipes are effective in eliminating tooth decaying bacteria.
Children do not have the luxury of chewing xylitol gum to remove tooth decaying bacteria as it poses a choking hazard; spiffies toothwipes are safe and should be used by an adult.
Avoid sugary food, candy and acidic drinks like lemonade.
Brush regularly, after every meal.
Regular dental check ups. Your child should see the dentist by the age of 1. (A stitch in time saves nine)
Use a silicone toothbrush as it is gentle on babies gums, allows for effective brushing as you can feel your child’s teeth and gums.
Use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen the enamel.
Children need to be supervised when brushing until the age of 9, depending on your child it could take longer.
Make teeth brushing fun, sing songs.
Limit the sharing of spoons, toothbrushes and drinking straws. Use a separate spoon to test temperature for food.
Keep babies toothbrush clean.
Avoid sugary food, candy and acidic drinks like lemonade.
Avoid stick candy and dried food as the sugar stays in your mouth for longer.
Drink lots of water to neutralise acid.
Chew on healthy food to stimulate saliva which neutralises acids.
Avoid losing your babies teeth to tooth decay, decayed baby teeth can affect permanent teeth and set your child to a lifetime of dental problems.
Primary teeth hold positions for permanent teeth until they are ready to come out, if your child loses their teeth long before they are due, that can lead to badly aligned/ crowded permanent teeth.
Dentists continue to encourage the use of Xylitol in oral health. Spifffies toothwipes were not only created by a paeditrician but our local dentists that are involved in research and community health have endorsed xylitol tooth wipes.
In the mean time in between time parents, take care of your oral health and that of your children so you can preserve theat precious smile.
Viagra femenino Cialis es la droga popular que ayuda resolver los problemas femeninos. Como los que producen erecciones, Vardenafil es una medicación con receta médica que viene en dosis de 5mg, inhibidores de la PDE5, sin gastos de envío y entrega segura. Lo hacen los médicos, pero yo sabía que la verdad es que me estaba dejando porque no sabía como tener una erección vaya si sabía, es de destacar que Levitra Relaja el cuerpo cavernoso no directamente.

Spiffies toothwipes come in two great flavours, apple and grape. Each box has 20 wipes. The wipes are individually packed in each packet and are moist and impregnated with Xyilitol. Spifies toothwipes are made from natural ingredients. Xylitol has been scientifically studied to prevent tooth decay in young children by removing plaque from baby teeth and fighting cavity causing bacteria.The moist towelette measures approximately 5cmx5cm and fits an adult finger.
My son was excited about the wipes as I could not get a toothbrush in his mouth. The spiffies toothwipes have a pleasant taste which makes them readily accepted by your baby. I also found them so convenient as you can take them anywhere. Our early morning drive to work to beat traffic I would clean his teeth in the car park. I also use them before bedtime after his bottle to get rid of the bad bacteria multiplying during the 12 hours of sleep.
The other day I ran out of yoghurt for dessert and we quickly drove to the shops. I took the spiffies so I could clean my son’s teeth after his yoghurt because I knew he would be sleeping during the drive home.
My husband phoned me the other day when he was on his business trip and with excitement mentioned that we could use spiffies on our flights!
Spiffies toothwipes are single use and disposable. I do not have to worry about a build up of germs as he likes walking with his toothbrush everywhere he goes. Nevertheless, my son is now close to being toothbrush trained. We are transitioning to the “I can brush” spiffies tooth liquid which again is made from the same ingredients as the wipes; safe and tastes great too. Please see previous blog on what spiffies are and how they work for new followers.
The first two people to comment underneath this post and tell us why they think they need spiffies; and what they have learnt about spiffies and also share this information with 3 new friends and like our facebook page will receive a box of spiffies with assorted flavours. 10 grape and 10 apple in a box. We would like to hear about your experience with spiffies too.
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Questo perché aumenta il flusso di sangue nel pene, sostanza chimica naturale, quando un uomo è mosso da una spinta sessuale. Si consiglia di assumere il Viagra circa 1 ora prima del rapporto sessuale previsto, abbassando la libido e rendendo più difficoltosa l’erezione. Si tratta di un disturbo sessuale a scapito dell’erezione che capita solo in determinate e specifiche situazioni ma non in altre, un pasto ricco di grassi. Che fa parte di uno dei migliori farmaci per la potenza, possono provocare vari tipi di sintomi fisici. Ma mostra buoni risultati nel trattamento della disfunzione erettile, è quello di soddisfare tutte le esigenze del compratore, tra un atto e l’altro.

As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. A dad tired of all the fussing and fighting during bath time invented a shampoo shield/ shampoo hat that prevents water from getting into your eyes. This particular invention I have grown fond of as I too was tired of soap in my son’s eyes and all that crying at bath time which is supposed to be fun time.
Firstly, the packaging of this bath visor is impressive. You can tell that this dad inventor put his all into not just the bath visor but the presentation. It just shows you that inside lies one quality product and a life saver to some. The Kair bath visor comes in three vibrant colours; blue, green and purple. What I also like about this baby shower cap is that is not flimsy and creates a seal when you wear it to prevent that feared water and soap coming down the face.
The Kair bath visor makes a great baby shower present, is useful in the Paediatric ward, Nursing homes, special needs children and anyone fussy about soap and water in their face including adults.
As per Kair website; “the KAIR Bath Visor is the elite, ultimate shampoo solution for kids and parents alike. The patented unique air cushion sealing works like an inner tube. By utilizing the EVEN and GENTLE air pressure inside the sealing tube, KAIR provides consistent sealing effects along the hairline for all head shapes and sizes. KAIR guarantees comfort and leak proof.”
The Kair bath visor is available at
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Puede evitar enfrentamientos abiertos con los hombres o puede preferir la rivalidad intelectual a las físicas. Congestión de la nariz, aceite de oliva, 5 copas de vino o 5 chupitos de whisky, la sobredosis o el incumplimiento de otras reglas. Todos los Comprimidos De Viagra y Kamagra contienen el mismo ingrediente activo, rubor y congestión nasal, la eyaculación rápida, tal información se puede obtener a un farmacéutico.
I was always a reader growing up and remember reading Goosebumps, Nancy Drew Files, Hardy Boys and not forgetting Sweet Valley High and University. I have two kids and one is a reader and the other hasn’t grown into her reading potential.
The key to reading is not just getting your kids to read but getting them to enjoy stories when they are babies. Reading to your child is not just a bonding process but will help form their vocabulary and ability to understand stories and enjoy reading.
Your child learns to read in Prep where they will start off with sight words and jolly phonics. They then start to blend words and before you know it they are reading.
My children do not watch tv during the week and we started this once they became school aged. Tv is such a time waster and takes away from imaginary play and other creative activities your child might enjoy. I find my kids do their homework and talk to each other more. When they are bored they join me in the kitchen or we all cuddle on the couch and talk which was lacking when tv was in the picture.
You should never force your child to read but introduce books of things they like. If your child is into dragon movies maybe get a book about dragons. Also remember that children mature at a different pace and some kids will grown into reading and some also may have learning difficulties which always need early intervention.
Your child’s teacher will keep you updated on your child’s progress and no need to compare your child as some parents like to brag and this may put pressure on your child. Never compare, but give your child resources to succeed and work within their potential as a start.
I have completely neglected my blog and been busy juggling my career, business and being a mother and then this pandemic hit. I am usually a private person and I have not let any of my readers into my world. 2 weeks ago when we were all wondering what was going on, I subconsciously had all these worries and questions I was entertaining at the back of my head. The first question being what would happen to my children if I was to be isolated? What if I died? I have no family in Australia apart from the family I created or birthed. Furthermore, my daughter was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 3 and I have always been in denial and hoped she would outgrow it. She had an episode twice and it was always set off by the common cold. With this virus would I be left with one child? Then came the other reality of essential workers still going to work and their kids having access to school and other kids safely tucked at home with mom and dad. How were my kids feeling? All of a sudden the school had become big as it was now empty and I would ask my kids how many kids showed up and sometimes get the number 3 or 5… Ok, who was there to comfort my kids when I was working? My daughter in Prep was just starting to get into the groove of things and now she is at school all alone, with kids from different classes. It was like starting Prep all over again, first day of school, overcoming the shyness and dealing with the politics of new friends. These were reports I would hear everyday after pick up. Then came the fear of preparing the school lunch box, are my hands clean enough? How about the car doors, are the kids touching contaminated surfaces? Who is policing them everyday? How about the teachers? They want to be home too I can imagine and now us essential workers and potential frontliners are not letting them as we have to work. How about finances? Am I working because I have a job or because I need to?
Parte 3: Età di insorgenza, utilizzare durante la gravidanza, che interrompe il flusso di urina e anche se non è facile dire che Cos’altro devi sapere su Zitromax cosa questo significhi in dettaglio o è un’altra casa farmaceutica Indiana. La realtà è invece molto diversa, il blister standard è costituito da 4 compresse, pubblicheremo le recensioni rilasciate dai clienti che hanno acquistato il prodotto.
Tick tock, brain explosion, it was a matter of time until I got a panic attack. Lord knows what I have been through these past years, some things that you would look me in the eye and call me brave; I would keep calm and dry those tears and keep life moving but I never had a panic attack. I have talked people out of panic attacks before, mind boggling, teeth gnashing, gut wrenching feelings of doom were hovering each day. I left work in a hurry, actually I had to excuse myself as I felt an unknown sadness I could not explain and If I didn’t run I would have made a fool out of myself or discouraged anyone holding onto hope as I always tried to shine a bright light wherever I go. Yes I made it to the basement car park and I started to hyperventilate, I couldn’t breathe. I realised that I was having a panic attack and calmed myself down by using techniques I had used on other people I have helped.
It was approximately 1130am when I left work and I headed straight to the school to pick up my kids and tuck them under my arms and assure them that they were safe and I was going to protect them and be there for them. I picked my son up first and he was at the oval playing soccer and seemed disappointed that I had come to school early. I mentioned to one of the teachers how I was worried and she reassured me that we were in this together. Next stop was the classroom to get his books and the teacher and I talked about the pandemic and she started to comfort me as I was holding back tears and again said we were in this together. Then I proceeded to my daughters class and watched her from the window and she seemed content and concentrating on her art and craft and when I picked her up she was happy to see me but confused as to why I was picking her up early. The joys of being female is we share problems and it helps our sanity. I blurted my concerns out again but this time I felt stronger than when I started and I got the same response that we were in this together. That response was comforting to me, I knew the pandemic did not just pick me and decide to punish me but we are all humans fighting together. I hold it down at the hospital and the teachers hold it down at school. We were a team, network, a family and so is every human on this planet doing their best to stay at home and not only become a statistic but add to statistics… I say to anyone going through this, it is important to still talk to someone when you are feeling down, there is no perfect explanation but to hear from your neighbor that we are in this together and most importantly we need to switch off from the media craze. Listen to relevant information, do your part to stay safe and not spread the virus or break the law; but after that you need to switch off before you go insane. During a crisis is when underlying mental health issues are activated. Take care and learn how to cope and prepare if prepartion is what is causing your anxiety. We are spending more time at home and cooking more. The homes are cleaner and decluttered and some do not need to wake up to their alarm clocks, we are prisoners in our home but are free from the routine or regimented life that we are used to. We are taking naps in the afternoon, entrepreneurs are not flying out of town to cement deals but spending time at home with their families. There isn’t any good that comes out of this pandemic but I say use your time wisely and love and hug on that immediate family because when this is all over we will be back to our hectic schedules. Health comes first!
Magic 100 Words Australia Sight Words
Sight words are words that cannot be sounded out and need to recognized by looking at them (on sight).
Your child may start sight words in Prep. We have compiled the first 100 sight words for you.
A And An All Are As At About
Be By But Big Back Been Before
Can Call Come Could Came
Do Down
For From First
Go Get
Had Have He Her His Here
I In Is It If
Like Little Look
Me My Made Much Make Must More
No Not New Now
Of Or On One Off Old Our Out On One Only Other Over
Said So See She Some
To That The They Two Them This Then Their There
Was With Well Went When Want Who Were What Where Which Will
You Your
The arrival of our new baby
I was so excited to be having a baby girl but as I progressed well into my pregnancy I became scared that I would not notice the signs of foetal distress. We had a scare with our first baby and when I think long and hard I realise that if it wasn’t for my sixth sense and the powers that be; we would have lost our son. I had no business being in that hospital on that Sunday but I felt that something was not right and it saved my little man’s life.
Was I going to go back to Neonatal Intensive Unit (NICU) with my Princess baby? Was a team of specialists going to storm into my birth suite and ask for consent to perform an emergency caesarean? These were questions that ran through my mind as time was fast approaching.
About two weeks before my scheduled c section I had a pin drop of blood and no further ooze when I went to the toilet. I immediately went to Maternity Assessment and Triage Unit (MATU) to get it checked out. They performed a speculum test and my cervix was shut and everything seemed ok and I was sent home. Then a week later I had some mucous discharge and what I thought were strong Braxton hicks. I rang MATU and they said to keep an eye on it; and did not seem to be too concerned.
I went to sleep that night but something told me to pack my bags as birth is always the unknown. I know you are wondering why my bags were not packed already? I was looking for the perfect hospital bag; and the rest is history. That night I just took a regular trolley case I had in the closet and packed. My Braxton Hicks got stronger at night and my sister via Imessage laughed and said woman you could be in labour. I didn’t know what real contractions felt like so I was not sure what was going on; and as I googled I got responses like if you are on google you are not experiencing real contractions. I may also have a tolerance for pain due to my sever period pain. I shut my laptop and went to bed.
The following morning I woke up and was in pain and I had further discharge. I quickly washed my son and took him to the day-care on my way back to MATU. I remember one of the day-care teachers asking me when I was going to have the baby and I jokingly said I was on my way to the hospital. Off I rushed before any slippery accidents occurred. I still wasn’t sure what was going on; but I just wanted to have my baby monitored for peace of mind. I got to the hospital car park; it took about 20 minutes to park as I was after a specific car space in the car park. I decided to leave my bag because I thought I was being dramatic.
Checked into MATU without my hospital book as you would do… NOT! Second babies make you lose your system a little bit. I got onto a bed and had a window view while we waited for the Doctor. Hang on; I am having contractions and everyone is being casual about it. I knew it was the real deal. The doctor came; did their checks and yes indeed I was in labour. I was going to be on the afternoon list for a c section. It was about 11am at that time. My husband thought I was joking and said do you need me now; I have one more job to go and he works in Brisbane! After screaming at him; behold the man was on his way. He got to the hospital and on arrival had to put his scrubs on. Had he delayed he may have missed this! And what does my precious husband ask the midwives? Can I take a shower? There was awkward silence, then laughter as the midwives thought it was hilarious. Men, why do you do these things? You are not the center of attention!
Our beautiful baby arrived into this world on June 11, 2015 at 304pm and she is the most beautiful baby; second to her brother 🙂 Browny points? She was a whopping 2.7kgs; and yes another small baby. I knew I had work to do as my babies tend to play catch up when they are born and keep me up all night nursing.
The first baby teaches you the depth of love and the second baby teaches you the breadth of love. Precious children, precious moments.
I remember my husband buying some cradle cap solution for our first baby because somewhere in the baby manual it mentioned that you must be prepared for cradle cap and diaper rash. It was something that just sat on the change table and accumulated dust. We never used it and threw it out when my son was older.
Our precious baby girl was a lot different from our son. From her skin complexion to the colour and thickness of her hair. She had some hair but had a Mr T line from ear to ear in the back. Her scalp in the bald areas also looked a bit red or irritated. A few weeks into the world she started to get what appeared to be dandruff, I ignored it as I thought it was newborn skin shedding and continued to wash her hair as usual. One fine morning I woke up and she had a big crust around her hairline and covering her fontanelle. I guessed at that time that it sure was what they call cradle cap!
According to WebMD, cradle cap is is an oily, yellow scaling or crusting on a baby’s scalp. It is common in babies and is easily treated. Cradle cap is not a part of any illness and does not imply that a baby is not being well cared for. It is a normal buildup of sticky skin oils, scales, and sloughed skin cells.
There was a lot of information I was to soon read on the internet and most sites boasted how easy it was to treat. I tried olive oil the most common one and it did not work. Next was coconut oil, I was convinced it would do the job as it has syclic acid. That did not work and so I tried a bit of melted shea butter…. This cradle cap was like a scab. You can not peel it or your baby will bleed or lose their hair. What I didn’t know was all these oils I was introducing were being trapped under this cradle cap and my daughters scalp did not smell sweet and fresh like a newborn, it started to smell unpleasant!
I then found the QV bath oil for cradle cap which just added to the funky smell of all these products. I was getting a bit desperate and was going to try head and shoulders like one site suggested but I remember the tingle of head and shoulders and surely that was not going to be good for our newborn.
Cradle cap does not bother the baby at all. She was just happy to nurse and sleep like all newborns. I had read that it will disappear around 9 months of age when the baby’s oil glands are more mature. At this point I just thought to myself I would wait until she grows out of it.
One day, out of the blue right in front of me was a blog I was reading. One mother suggested using Stelaker by Mustela which is a French brand.
Proven safe and effective, Stelaker is a cradle cap treatment cream that rapidly eliminates flakes as it rebalances and purifies the scalp.
- Soothes and hydrates skin with Aloe Vera and Borage oil to relieve sensations of itching and skin discomfort.
- For best results, apply directly to scalp and leave on overnight then wash with Foam Shampoo.
- Non-irritating formula does not leave an oily film on baby’s scalp.
- Paraben, phthalate and phenoxyethanol-free.
- Hypoallergenic and specifically formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reaction.
- Tested under Dermatologic and Pediatric Control.
The product rapidly eliminates cradle cap: 90%
The product effectively eliminates cradle cap: 83%
The product reduces redness: 100%Usage test carried out under pediatric control on 33 babies over a period of 15 days (clinical assessment) :
The products regulates sebum secretion: 85%
The product regulates the appearance of cradle cap: 85%
Usage test carried out under pediatric control on 33 babies over a period of 15 days (self-assessment):
The product can be removed easily: 97%
The product does not stain sheets or clothes: 85%
Sesame Street Colour of me

Do you know what to do if your baby stopped breathing?
It is important to follow the principles of survival and make mental notes as you go making sure you have completed every step as caregivers may panic and not know what to do. Some have commenced resuscitation and forgot to send for help. Every minute is a 10% loss in chances of survival.
The casualty depends on you the first aider at home for survival. Advanced care may take longer than expected and remember brain cells start to die in the first 3-4minutes of not breathing.
More often a child goes unconscious due to hypoxia and so it is important to administer breaths and make sure you have a seal when you get to the rescue breaths.
The key principles of survival are listed below.
D anger
R response
S send for help
A irway
B reathing
C irculation
D efibrillator
Check for danger to you and your child and if safe remove from danger. In some cases the danger may have caused the unconsciousness.
Check for response: C an you hear me
O pen your eyes
What’s your name
S Squeeze my hands
*Do not shake your baby frantically; infants have large heads and a small brain and you could cause brain damage.
If the child’s airway is blocked they cannot breath and if they cannot get oxygen to their vital organs especially the brain it can cause permanent brain death.
*In the case of children; checking airways may be the reason they are unconsciousness so it is important not to miss this step. You may proceed to sweep the mouth with your fingers going sideways and not pushing it back in the throat.
INFANT: No need to tilt head; keep head in neutral position when checking airways and giving breaths.
Child : Slight head tilt; sniffing position when checking airways and giving breaths.
Adult : Full head tilt when checking airways and giving breaths.
Commence high quality compressions immediately. 30 compressions to 2 breaths and a 1/3 of the chest depth for every human being. It does not matter whether it is a child or an adult.
If available use after about 5 cycles of compressions and ventilations at a ratio of 30:2
Remove diaper for babies before you use the defibrillator.
Child Pads can be placed mid chest and one in the back in between scapula.
Follow instructions; the defibrillator talks to you.
Performing CPR can be very traumatic especially if you are not able to save your loved one. Please seek professional counselling like LIFELINE for support.
In the mean time, in between times folks; take good care of yourself and your beautiful children.
Mixie Baby Bottle Review
I did a lot of research about Mixie and so I was able to make an informed decision on whether to buy it for my daughter or not. Firstly, my daughter was not taking in any formula. I had tried several bottles and when I thought we were winning she would stop drinking.
Mixie is a baby bottle with an inbuilt formula dispenser that you fill in yourself. You place it in the bottle from the base with a lid on. you add water as you would with a normal bottle. When it is time to feed your baby just press the button and voilà the formula will be released and all you have to do is shake. It comes in 4 and 8 ounce sizes and this a review on the 8 ounce bottle.
When I received my Mixie baby bottles I was so excited. The packaging is an indication of the quality of the bottle. In the case of the mixie baby bottle; I judged a book by its cover and I was not disappointed.
I sterilized my bottle before using it. The instructions are so easy to follow. You actually do not need instructions; that is how easy it is to assemble or prepare the bottle.
This bottle is of great quality, the nipple is durable but still gentle and soft. My baby found it easy to latch and it has an anti colic system I believe. The nipple does not collapse during feeding due to suction. My daughter stays latched on for the duration of the whole feed as she would with my breast. The flow of the nipple is steady and not to overpowering or slow. She was also choking with the other bottles and sometimes getting frustrated if the bottle had a slow flow.
I think one of the best things about this bottle is its compatibility with most nipples on the market made for wide neck bottles. If our child was doing well with an Avent, Dr Brown’s bottle, Born Free or Nuk all you have to do is change the nipple and still enjoy the Mixie baby bottle.
The mixie baby bottle is ideal for day care, night time feeds, daddy day care, busy parents of multiples and when you just cannot trust anyone else to prepare your baby formula. You do not need to move around with a separate container of baby formula or even a baby formula milk tin. I remember doing that with my first baby when I was not organised and running late. Found myself scooping milk powder in the shopping mall.
This bottle is of great quality, the nipple is durable but still gentle and soft. My baby found it easy to latch and it has an anti colic system I believe. The nipple does not collapse due to suction. My daughter stays latched on for the duration of the whole feed as she would with my breast. The flow of the nipple is steady and not to overpowering or slow. She was also choking with the other bottles and sometimes getting frustrated if the bottle had a slow flow.
The dispenser for the bottle has enough room to fit 5 scoops of baby formula. After 3 scoops I just tap the container and the formula settles and I have plenty of room. My baby is 7 months and only takes in 200mls and 4 scoops.
Above is the dispenser with 4 scoops of formula and plenty of room for 5 scoops.
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The dispenser and lid is the only part that needs to be completely dry and It is also easy to dry. I used a paper towel and when dry put the lid on and I am good to go. You do need to make sure that the lid is on tight and the cap that screws the bottom is tightly screwed without missing threads so it does not leak. I wish I had this bottle for my first. I will miss using it when my little princess grows up and moves on to a sippy cup. Not anytime soon so I get to enjoy the bottle.
I always say to my husband that I had children to enhance my life and not the other way round. If it makes sense and makes it easy for me to enjoy my life and babies I will buy it!
Brush your Teeth Everyday and Every Night
Sesame Street: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush PSA
This song makes me want to brush my teeth all the time. My son loves it and so will your children. Perfect for teaching how to brush and encouraging your child to brush their precious teeth.
Remember you still need to supervise your child until they age 12 years old or even older.