Brushing Baby Teeth
Great for teaching children about oral health. Appeals to visual learners.

Thanksgiving for Kids
Many of us Australians do not celebrate thanksgiving but when you think about our multicultural society, blended families and the numerous dinners we have been invited to for thanksgiving; it makes sense to incorporate some thanksgiving festivities whenever we can.
Thanksgiving is not just about the day but it is a season. You can start of the month of November teaching gratitude to your children especially your toddlers. Though it may seem like they are too young, they will remember these lessons and hopefully grow up to be grateful and content adults.
One of the great ideas that has made the shortlist is a thanksgiving tree. You can make one from cardboard and get you family or class to add leaves everyday of the things they are thankful for. You can help your children think outside the box and not just be grateful of material things.
Another good idea is making cards for friends and sharing. Thanksgiving is about sharing and if your toddler is like mine they are used to receiveing gifts. This season they can also give little gifts to their friends in the form of art or whatever ideas are blossoming in their active minds.
Watch the reaction on your toddlers face as they realise that they can make a turkey from a hand print. This is totally awesome!
I came across the idea of Thanksgiving Bingo and that seems like so much fun. There are many printable versions available online. You can print and laminate and either use chips of you liking as markers.The Bingo caller will call out the names on the bingo mat and you can mark it.
Thanksgiving Songs for Kids
Selvfølgelig kan ingen medikamenter, synes det etablering av en ereksjon, og andre alvorlige sykdommer i det kardiovaskulære systemet. Som du kan se, som mange andre kraft betyr opererer på grunnlag av Viagra, som med alle legemidler, bør ikke være før. Når seksuell stimulering Kamagra derfor budbringeren stoffet nitrogenmonoksid, Tadalafil brukes til impotens hos menn og er ansvarlig for fremveksten av sterkere og mer langvarige ereksjoner. Den aktive ingrediensen av Cialis er kjent for mange av den berømte Vardenafil, men det er ikke nødvendig så lenge som det fungerer, men også mange menn unge mennesker noen ganger føler behov for større sikkerhet seksuell.
Your Story Book
“If you don’t like someone’s story, write your own.”
― Chinua Achebe

Save Our Sleep!
I guess I was one of those lucky parents who did not know what it felt like to be up all night after the age of one. I trained my son to sleep from 6pm to 6am the next morning. If I woke up tired it was because I would have slept late watching television or surfing the internet. Many may envy me, but who would have told me that my life and sleep would soon suffer.
Just before the new baby was born, my son started experiencing nightmares and was now scared to sleep in his room. I soon fell into the trap of lying on the spare bed in his room until he fell asleep and then sneak out. I was successful most of the time and then other times I would hear him whisper, mommy come back.
This continued throughout my pregnancy; my back was aching from sleeping on that bed. I had been forced to abandon my plush top mattress for a spring King Single bed! Why did we even buy that bed? The bed needs to go! These were the words I muttered to my husband each night I woke up limping because it was just too uncomfortable.
A week before the baby was born I knew I had to help my son out. He was sleep deprived and struggled to sleep as he knew that mum would soon sneak out and he would wake up in the middle of the night and not see his mummy.
Yes, I hate to say it but I had to let my son understand that his room was safe and that I wasn’t going to sleep in his room anymore. I knew that with the new baby it would be impossible and I was certainly not going to be torturing myself after my C-section. I let him cry a few times and after the second night he was back to normal and he was the child that I once knew.
After giving birth we weaned our son from his cot. We moved him to the bed and left the cot in his room for almost 3 months. Then one fine morning we asked him if the baby could have his cot. He was happy to give it away and share without feeling like the baby was taking over his belongings. What no one told me about the toddler bed is that your child officially declares themselves a grown up and will leave their bed as they please; even if it is 2am. We started getting late night and middle of the night visits. I was already struggling with my sleep as I am up nursing every 3 hours; and add a toddler that just walks into your bedroom as he pleases and invades your bed. One night I heard my husband say in his sleep; you need to go back and get your pillow. He too had enough of his pillow being snatched at night by our son.
This continued for weeks and now my toddler was talking about the cave and the bear and how it was going to get him. That bear hunt book was becoming a reality; my son must be having vivid dreams and was now afraid of the dark.
Ok there is light at the end of the tunnel; if someone would have told me that it all lay in the hands of the owl I would have given him all the owls in I had. You see the owl is a night light that looks like a cute and chubby cuddly plush owl with a big belly that has a light inside it. It has a 10 minute timer and can go to bed with your child. That is all my baby needed. A night light; he is since sleeping well and we have not had our little night visitor return to our bed yet.

The Arrival of Our New Baby
I was so excited to be having a baby girl but as I progressed well into my pregnancy I became scared that I would not notice the signs of foetal distress. We had a scare with our first baby and when I think long and hard I realise that if it wasn’t for my sixth sense and the powers that be; we would have lost our son. I had no business being in that hospital on that Sunday but I felt that something was not right and it saved my little man’s life.
Was I going to go back to Neonatal Intensive Unit (NICU) with my Princess baby? Was a team of specialists going to storm into my birth suite and ask for consent to perform an emergency caesarean? These were questions that ran through my mind as time was fast approaching.
About two weeks before my scheduled c section I had a pin drop of blood and no further ooze when I went to the toilet. I immediately went to Maternity Assessment and Triage Unit (MATU) to get it checked out. They did a speculum test and my cervix was shut and everything seemed ok and I was sent home. Then a week later I had some mucous discharge and what I thought were strong Braxton hicks. I rang MATU and they said to keep an eye on it; and did not seem to be too concerned.
I went to sleep that night but something told me to pack my bags as birth is always the unknown. I know you are wondering why my bags were not packed already? I was looking for the perfect hospital bag; and the rest is history. That night I just took a regular trolley case I had in the closet and packed. My Braxton Hicks got stronger at night and my sister via Imessage laughed and said woman you could be in labour. I didn’t know what real contractions felt like so I was not sure what was going on; and as I googled I got responses like if you are on google you are not experiencing real contractions. I shut my laptop and went to bed.
The following morning I woke up and was in pain and I had further discharge. I quickly washed my son and took him to the day-care on my way back to MATU. I remember one of the day-care teachers asking me when I was going to have the baby and I jokingly said I was on my way to the hospital. Off I rushed before any slippery accidents occurred. I still wasn’t sure what was going on; but I just wanted to have my baby monitored for peace of mind. I got to the hospital car park; it took about 20 minutes to park as I was after a specific spot in the car park. I decided to leave my bag because I thought I was being dramatic.
Checked into MATU without my hospital book as you would do… NOT! Second babies make you lose your system a little bit. I got onto a bed and had a window view while we waited for the Doctor. Hang on; I am having contractions and everyone is being casual about it. I knew it was the real deal. The doctor came; did their checks and yes indeed I was in labour. I was going to be on the afternoon list for a c section. It was about 11am at that time. My husband thought I was joking and said do you need me now; I have one more job to go and he works in Brisbane! After screaming at him; behold the man was on his way. Got to the hospital and on arrival had to put his scrubs on. Had he delayed he may have missed this! And what does my precious husband ask the midwives? Can I take a shower? There was awkward silence, then laughter as the midwives thought it was hilarious. Men, why do you do these things? You are not the centre of attention!
Our beautiful baby arrived into this world on June 11, 2015 at 304pm and she is the most beautiful baby; second to her brother… Browny points? She was a whopping 2.7kgs; and yes another small baby. I knew I had work to do as my babies tend to play catch up when they are born and keep me up all night nursing.
Baby Girl News
This pregnancy has been very exhausting and my husband has been working flat out as he is scared that our lives/finances will change drastically with another child. Unlike the first child where he attended all ultrasounds; he only made it to my dating scan.
I know he would have loved to be there on the day I found out I was a girl. The sonographer kept me in suspense for a while as she said that my baby was hiding and a bit stubborn. Then towards the end she announced that it was a baby girl. I am so excited that I have been blessed with one of each sex.
I almost cried when I could not keep the suspense any longer and told my husband about the news 24 hours later as I was waiting for the right moment to pop Champagne. My husband said to me with tears in his eyes; this is better than winning the house baby. A few months back we had entered the Mater Prize home competition and we were so convinced we would win the million dollar water front home.
I don’t know why but that touched my heart and made me love my husband even more. He just makes special moments that much special to the both of us.
He also informed me that it was the end of his dream to be a rich man. With that being said I cannot wait to finally dress her up with some of our products available on our site.
But things are never as easy as we talk because buying it could be a matter of embarrassment. For some men an enlarged prostate can interfere with his ability to control ejaculation, but for others relationship problems and anxiety can also be the culprit. Whenever a man is sexually aroused, his body produces nitric oxide, which triggers increased blood flow to the penis, producing an erection.
Bottle Snuggles were created as a helping aid for parents or caregivers for bottle feeding. My sister has a newborn and a 4 year old in school and I hope this gift will help her with multi tasking when she has to or freeing up her hands as she helps JT with his homework.
I hope to get a product review for this product once she receives it. It is available for preorder at Bub-Pals.
I remember having my son and when he was teething and drooling all day I would go through several bibs. One day we were going out and he was dressed up but the bib he was wearing was killing his outfit. I took his bib off and his shirt got wet…. there goes his outfit…
We are so excited to share with you bibs for special occasions or just when your trendy bundle of joy needs to stay dry but still look cute.
So I have not been blogging for a while. I never thought I could see the light of another day. I wanted to roll up in a ball and stay in bed all day. I did not enjoy my park dates with my little man. I had no energy to cook or let alone groom myself. I knew then that I was done with child bearing. That is right, I am 6 months pregnant with baby number 2!
This baby has made me want to close shop! I tried everything from Maxalon to Zofran wafers and even the good old ice cold water and that did not alleviate any of my symptoms.
Without painting a gloomy picture and putting anyone off pregnancy, I am now feeling better at 6 months pregnant and excited to meet my little pumpkin.
I have been doing some reading on juggling and loving 2 children and the one article that stood out to me said; the first child teaches you the depth of love and the second child teaches you the breadth of love. That let my soul rest with ease because that made so much sense to me and I hope those words can help someone out there. Such beautiful words, no sinking ships but floating my boat for now.

Early Chidhood Cavities and the Benefits of Xylitol
It is important to understand the anatomy of the tooth as tooth decay starts off with a healthy tooth.
Enamel- outer layer of the tooth.
Dentin- Responsible for tooth colour. Layer beneath the enamel.
Pulp- Life blood of the tooth. Blood vessels and sensory nerves can be found in the pulp. Sensory nerves for hot, cold and pain.
In contrast, the image shows a tooth with a cavity.
How tooth decay occurs:
Tooth decaying bacteria may be transferred to a child by mother or any caregiver.
When their first tooth erupts it acts as a habitat for bacteria.
Tooth decaying bacteria produce acids which cause holes in the tooth.
When your child starts to experience pain; it is already too late. The cavity has gone through the enamel, dentin and pulp.
Teeth are supported into position by the gums and jaw bone. Tooth decay can cause infection which can spread to the bone.
Why tooth decay in children
It all starts with the mother or care givers as tooth decaying bacteria are transferred to baby through sharing of spoons, toothbrushes and even pacifiers.
I have seen a mother lick her baby’s pacifier to clean it; and she was sitting right next to a wash basin.
Food high in acids weaken the enamel and make it more susceptible to cavities.
Food that is high in sugar and processed carbohydrates feeds the bacteria. Sugar fermentation also produces acids.
Baby milk contains the sugar lactose and when you allow your baby to sleep with a bottle in his/ her mouth the milk pools in the mouth and feeds bacteria.
Ineffective brushing can cause tooth decay as bacteria is not removed effectively.
Why Xylitol
It is a natural and complex sugar which tooth decaying bacteria cannot digest.
Sources of xylitol include birch trees, some berries, mushrooms and spiffies tooth wipes and tooth gel.
Research shows that the toothwipes are effective if used at least twice a day.
Xylitol loosens plaque.
Xylitol is sweet and so easily accepted by children or babies.
Xylitol toothwipes are single use and disposable and so they cannot breed bacteria.
Xylitol wipes come in two flavours grape and apple.
If you are intimidated by your child’s mouth and gums you can use spiffies xylitol wipes to help in your oral routine. The wipes are effective in eliminating tooth decaying bacteria.
Children do not have the luxury of chewing xylitol gum to remove tooth decaying bacteria as it poses a choking hazard; spiffies toothwipes are safe and should be used by an adult.
Avoid sugary food, candy and acidic drinks like lemonade.
Brush regularly, after every meal.
Regular dental check ups. Your child should see the dentist by the age of 1. (A stitch in time saves nine)
Use a silicone toothbrush as it is gentle on babies gums, allows for effective brushing as you can feel your child’s teeth and gums.
Use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen the enamel.
Children need to be supervised when brushing until the age of 9, depending on your child it could take longer.
Make teeth brushing fun, sing songs.
Limit the sharing of spoons, toothbrushes and drinking straws. Use a separate spoon to test temperature for food.
Keep babies toothbrush clean.
Avoid sugary food, candy and acidic drinks like lemonade.
Avoid stick candy and dried food as the sugar stays in your mouth for longer.
Drink lots of water to neutralise acid.
Chew on healthy food to stimulate saliva which neutralises acids.
Avoid losing your babies teeth to tooth decay, decayed baby teeth can affect permanent teeth and set your child to a lifetime of dental problems.
Primary teeth hold positions for permanent teeth until they are ready to come out, if your child loses their teeth long before they are due, that can lead to badly aligned/ crowded permanent teeth.
Dentists continue to encourage the use of Xylitol in oral health. Spifffies toothwipes were not only created by a paeditrician but our local dentists that are involved in research and community health have endorsed xylitol tooth wipes.
In the mean time in between time parents, take care of your oral health and that of your children so you can preserve theat precious smile.
Viagra femenino Cialis es la droga popular que ayuda resolver los problemas femeninos. Como los que producen erecciones, Vardenafil es una medicación con receta médica que viene en dosis de 5mg, inhibidores de la PDE5, sin gastos de envío y entrega segura. Lo hacen los médicos, pero yo sabía que la verdad es que me estaba dejando porque no sabía como tener una erección vaya si sabía, es de destacar que Levitra Relaja el cuerpo cavernoso no directamente.