Spiffies toothwipes come in two great flavours, apple and grape. Each box has 20 wipes. The wipes are individually packed in each packet and are moist and impregnated with Xyilitol. Spifies toothwipes are made from natural ingredients. Xylitol has been scientifically studied to prevent tooth decay in young children by removing plaque from baby teeth and fighting cavity causing bacteria.The moist towelette measures approximately 5cmx5cm and fits an adult finger.
My son was excited about the wipes as I could not get a toothbrush in his mouth. The spiffies toothwipes have a pleasant taste which makes them readily accepted by your baby. I also found them so convenient as you can take them anywhere. Our early morning drive to work to beat traffic I would clean his teeth in the car park. I also use them before bedtime after his bottle to get rid of the bad bacteria multiplying during the 12 hours of sleep.
The other day I ran out of yoghurt for dessert and we quickly drove to the shops. I took the spiffies so I could clean my son’s teeth after his yoghurt because I knew he would be sleeping during the drive home.
My husband phoned me the other day when he was on his business trip and with excitement mentioned that we could use spiffies on our flights!
Spiffies toothwipes are single use and disposable. I do not have to worry about a build up of germs as he likes walking with his toothbrush everywhere he goes. Nevertheless, my son is now close to being toothbrush trained. We are transitioning to the “I can brush” spiffies tooth liquid which again is made from the same ingredients as the wipes; safe and tastes great too. Please see previous blog on what spiffies are and how they work for new followers.
The first two people to comment underneath this post and tell us why they think they need spiffies; and what they have learnt about spiffies and also share this information with 3 new friends and like our facebook page will receive a box of spiffies with assorted flavours. 10 grape and 10 apple in a box. We would like to hear about your experience with spiffies too.
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Questo perché aumenta il flusso di https://medicina-ricerca.com/ sangue nel pene, sostanza chimica naturale, quando un uomo è mosso da una spinta sessuale. Si consiglia di assumere il Viagra circa 1 ora prima del rapporto sessuale previsto, abbassando la libido e rendendo più difficoltosa l’erezione. Si tratta di un disturbo sessuale a scapito dell’erezione che capita solo in determinate e specifiche situazioni ma non in altre, un pasto ricco di grassi. Che fa parte di uno dei migliori farmaci per la potenza, possono provocare vari tipi di sintomi fisici. Ma mostra buoni risultati nel trattamento della disfunzione erettile, è quello di soddisfare tutte le esigenze del compratore, tra un atto e l’altro.

As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. A dad tired of all the fussing and fighting during bath time invented a shampoo shield/ shampoo hat that prevents water from getting into your eyes. This particular invention I have grown fond of as I too was tired of soap in my son’s eyes and all that crying at bath time which is supposed to be fun time.
Firstly, the packaging of this bath visor is impressive. You can tell that this dad inventor put his all into not just the bath visor but the presentation. It just shows you that inside lies one quality product and a life saver to some. The Kair bath visor comes in three vibrant colours; blue, green and purple. What I also like about this baby shower cap is that is not flimsy and creates a seal when you wear it to prevent that feared water and soap coming down the face.
The Kair bath visor makes a great baby shower present, is useful in the Paediatric ward, Nursing homes, special needs children and anyone fussy about soap and water in their face including adults.
As per Kair website; “the KAIR Bath Visor is the elite, ultimate shampoo solution for kids and parents alike. The patented unique air cushion sealing works like an inner tube. By utilizing the EVEN and GENTLE air pressure inside the sealing tube, KAIR provides consistent sealing effects along the hairline for all head shapes and sizes. KAIR guarantees comfort and leak proof.”
The Kair bath visor is available at http://bubpals.com/product/kair-bath-visor-shampoo-shield-baby-shower-cap-shampoo-visor/
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Puede evitar enfrentamientos abiertos con los hombres o puede preferir la rivalidad intelectual a las físicas. Congestión de la nariz, aceite de oliva, 5 copas de vino o 5 chupitos de whisky, la sobredosis o el incumplimiento de otras reglas. Todos los Comprimidos De Viagra y Kamagra contienen el mismo ingrediente activo, rubor y congestión nasal, la eyaculación rápida, tal información se puede obtener a un farmacéutico.

Precious Children, Priceless Smiles
Best Oral Health Care Starts at Age Zero Project
Gold Coast Oral Health Service, Goldcoast Health
This is an opportunity for all eligible children aged 0-3 yrs to be seen by the specialist paediatric dentist and receive dental care from a specialized dental team at the Gold coast Oral Health Service.
Looking to recruit 100 eligible children aged 0-3 yrs to participate in this community oral health initiative that aims to prevent the onset of dental caries and treat early caries lesions to stop progression.
Treatments and/or services provided will include:
- Dental examination and risk assessment of the children
- Customized oral health education
- Customized age-appropriate in-office preventive treatment
- Customized age-appropriate take-home oral health products
- Baby’s oral health record and resource handbook
- Comprehensive treatment if indicated
*To be eligible, parent/ guardian has to be a concession or pension card holder
For Enquiry or To Make An Appointment, Please Contact 1300300850 or Email GCOHS_PricelessSmiles@health.gov.qld.au
Information from Precious Children, Priceless Smiles Flyer, 2014 (Gold Coast Health, Queensland Government)

Allergy Education and the Wiggles
Allermates are proud to partner with The Wiggles to bring allergy awareness and safety to a whole new level. Check out this video for fun allergy safety rules.

Kair Bath Visor/ Shampoo shield for Adults
I am more than pleased with the Kair bath visor. As some of you already know that the Kair bath visor was a product that I searched for to end my own shampoo woes with my son.
A friend of mine takes care of her highly dependant mother and had been having problems washing her hair as she screams when water gets into her eyes and ears. The experience is so uncomfortable for her and it sometimes leads to kicking and biting. For the longest time my friend would rely on visiting the hair salon and get her mother to just tilt her head back in the basin. The salon visits were starting to add up and getting rather impractical.
The Kair bath visor has made us believers as it is not just designed for children but its air cushioned technology makes it a good fit for adults too. Hair washing is no longer a chore. It is meant to be a calming experience feeling the water hit your scalp and it is achieving just what it was set to conquer.
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
What is a security blanket?
A security blanket is a comfort object for a baby that can be carried forth to their toddler years. It is mostly common in infants. It is known by different names throughout the world like blankey or lovey, cuddle buddy, snuggle blanket and many cute names.
Types of security blankets
Security blankets may be small blankets but it is common to get a cute animal attached to the blanket like a monkey, rabbit, bear, cub and so forth.
Security blanket material
A security blanket is soft and made from plush material like velour and may have a silk lining inside. It feels soft to touch for baby’s gentle hands.
Security blanket and child
My 18 month old son started using his security blanket when he started day care. At about 12 months I initiated the use of comfort objects as I searched for unique and quality blankets he could use. I was under the impression that it was expected to send your child to daycare with a security blanket. In the first 2-3 months he was not interested in it; he used it more for teething than anything.
I started to see a change in his relationship with his blanket when I dropped him off and he held onto it as if to say; this reminds me of home and seemed familiar in a not so familiar place. The more independent he became the more he held onto his security blanket and wanted to attach himself to these comfort objects. When we put him down to sleep he is happy with anything soft and cuddly but has to have something in his cot with him. He is really independent; goes to sleep well without any crying or reassurance needed.
Attachment and Independence
Psychologist Donald Winnicott, an object relations theorist was the first to introduce the concept of a transitional object. He averred that these objects support the idea of “not me” and assist in transitioning and allowing the child to not see themselves as one with their mother anymore but an independent being.
Security Blanket to the rescue
I give me son his security blanket when he is crying and he gets distracted. It soothes him when he is upset especially when he gets episodes of unexplained crying. A great distraction that is a perfect companion too.
This makes me wonder what it was like for my son to realize that his mom could not be with him all the time and how he realized that he was an independent being. This theory makes sense to me because my son started using his security blanket when he became separate from me. Even though I initially bought it for daycare he started needing it more as we spent time apart and it makes my heart skip a beat when I see him cuddling his security blanket.
I am not worried about my son having an unhealthy attachment. He is and independent little boy and the security blanket is an addition to his growing world. The same way a child will get attached to a new toy and then forget about it with time is pretty much how I see my son letting go of it as he gets older or before he starts school.
Safe Security Blankets
It is important that you buy child safe toys for your child. Parents should make sure that their babies blankets do not have loose material like buttons, or removable parts they could possibly choke on.
Bringing Baby Home
So it all started at a hospital on the Goldcoast of Australia where I decided to discharge myself after an emergency C-Section. I was excited to bring my baby home, put the baby in his cute clothes and share this wonderful space with him. My husband was ready and excited too. He picked me up in the morning with a plate of steak and spinach and non-disposable plates he had borrowed from the restaurant. He said, “Baby I have some iron for you”.
Bye Bye Hospital
We looked at our baby, then we looked at each other; he was just too cute! We were on our way home finally! Now my husband had brought the stroller up to the delivery ward. We got to the car and realised there was no space. The Moses basket/bassinet was in the car and so was the car seat and the stroller that we were struggling to fold!
Folding the stroller
I had no clue how to fold this stroller as I was not paying attention when we bought it. Yes, I could not care less about the mechanics of that stroller as my husband did not want to go ahead and splurge on my dream stroller!
It was 40 degrees outside in the heat of late November. I was holding the baby and we could not figure out how to fold this thing; mind you I am usually the mechanically inclined person in the family. Everyone was looking at us as we were blocking traffic at the drop off zone. My husband had to approach a few passers-by for help and no one knew how to fold this stroller. He then went back to the delivery ward and 30 minutes later came back to us.
I just wanted to go home! But wait, we had to go to the restaurant to return the plates! My husband had bragged about his good looking son and they were looking forward to seeing this boy child of ours. We made it through that hurdle and then we were finally on our way home.
Welcome Home
My husband opened the door for us and we walked into the house. It was quiet and it then hit us that we were now three. We did not know what to do with the baby. It all just became overwhelming. I decided I would breastfeed since I was struggling with it. I sat down to breastfeed and my husband was acting like a Nazi midwife nagging me about how to hold the baby; I had finally had enough and went upstairs to our bedroom.
It was baby and I alone in the bedroom and I sat on the bed with pillows supporting me. I continued trying to learn the art of breastfeeding and the next thing I felt myself almost falling from the bed. I realised I had passed out with the baby in my arms and we both almost hit the floor.
I was not convinced that my baby was having enough to drink and was feeling useless as a mother. I was scared, I was his source of food for the first six months at the least, and I was devastated.
Back to Hospital
Shortly, I felt my baby’s temperature and he felt hot to touch. My husband had gone to the pharmacy to get my prescription medication and I was screaming for help. It looked like little man was foaming at the mouth as well.
We rushed him to accident and emergency when my husband came back and I felt safe once again. They cooled him down and we were given a room for the night. We pretty much went back to the hospital the same day we were discharged.
There is hope
My husbanded informed the midwives that I may need more help/support breastfeeding the baby. A lactation consultant was assigned to me while we were in the hospital and she came to my room every two hours for support. I definitely needed that extra support. Our baby was fine and ready to go back home to his new parents. Once it all clicked it just became easier by the day.
You can all do it parents, it is so simple when you look back. Just take one step at a time. Allow for your husband/partner to help out. He is excited too and as scared as you are. It is just a beautiful experience when you learn together. I will be sharing with you about how I mastered the art of breastfeeding.
In the meantime, in between time, hug you husband and tell him you appreciate him and his help
Inspiration children
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher

I never thought the day would come when my one and only, sweet pumpkin pie, cherry plum, tutti frutti waffle… Ok ok! My beloved son would be moving to the toddler class! I knew the day would come one day but I never thought it would be today! My husband picked me up from work and told me that my son will be moving up. He seemed so excited. He will be transitioning he said, so he gets to have a feel of it and gradually move in.
My world came crumbling down. I immediately became upset. I challenged my husband and asked him why he would want this on our son? Did he understand that our baby is still a baby? Who is going to feed him? Does this mean we have to potty train? He is only 15 months for crying out loud! I knew he was just the bearer of bad news but I had to take it out on someone.
We are trying to work with little man and get him comfortable with feeding himself. I am relieved that he is not going to starve as they will still feed him. I was reluctant about him sleeping on a mattress on the floor. The first day I picked him up he managed to sleep for a record breaking 2hours! He had never done this in the baby class in his “comfortable” cot.
I am proud to say I am a changed person now. I am convinced that this is good for him. He will always be my baby but I need to let him grow. He is running around and full of energy and he needs to be in a suitable environment. That is right, my baby is a toddler and is now in the toddler class.
Please feel free to share your experiences. If anyone is struggling with this transition.
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Q: What are some Baby Shower gift ideas?
A: Most expecting moms or dads to be appreciate anything and everything. Diapers are a common mandatory with presents in some cultures. Bub-Pals has put together some cute baby products that you may shower mom to be with.
Bath robe for baby/ hooded towel
This is perfect as you can never have enough towels. Babies are incontinent and so you need back up towels; especially if you like to play with baby after a bath or give a baby massage. Our bathrobes and towels are of great quality, soft and do not fluff.
Newborns like to be swaddled. Our 3 pack breathable brushed flannel Receiving Blankets does all that and more. Use it as a breast cover, burp cloth, over your stroller, stroller liner, bassinet/ Moses basket bottom sheet. Newborn Tip: wear it then swaddle and baby can smell you and sleep longer.
Snuggle buddies are also known as cuddle buddies and will be your babies best friend for a while. They are a perfect companion as they are soft and adorable just like your little baby. They come attached to a security blanket for easy grasp.
These will be babies first shoes. A perfect gift pack awaits for mom to be.
Newborns and infants like onesies. They are easy to wear and perfect for summer. They are also worn underneath clothes when it gets chilly. You will also be thankful when your baby gets older and they know how to remove their diaper. Surprise! Our onesies can be firmly buttoned in between the legs and prevent your baby from removing his diaper!
This blanket comes with a bonus gift. A plush rattle dog for your bundle of joy!
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.