Archive for the Parents Corner Category

Save Our Sleep! I guess I was one of those lucky parents who did not know what it felt like to be up all night after the age of one. I trained my son to sleep from 6pm to 6am the next morning. If I woke up tired it was […]

The Arrival of Our New Baby I was so excited to be having a baby girl but as I progressed well into my pregnancy I became scared that I would not notice the signs of foetal distress. We had a scare with our first baby and when I think long […]
Bottle Snuggles were created as a helping aid for parents or caregivers for bottle feeding. My sister has a newborn and a 4 year old in school and I hope this gift will help her with multi tasking when she has to or freeing up her hands as she helps […]
I remember having my son and when he was teething and drooling all day I would go through several bibs. One day we were going out and he was dressed up but the bib he was wearing was killing his outfit. I took his bib off and his shirt got wet…. there goes his outfit… […]
So I have not been blogging for a while. I never thought I could see the light of another day. I wanted to roll up in a ball and stay in bed all day. I did not enjoy my park dates with my little man. I had no energy to […]

Precious Children, Priceless Smiles Best Oral Health Care Starts at Age Zero Project Gold Coast Oral Health Service, Goldcoast Health This is an opportunity for all eligible children aged 0-3 yrs to be seen by the specialist paediatric dentist and receive dental care from a specialized dental team at the […]

Allergy Education and the Wiggles Allermates are proud to partner with The Wiggles to bring allergy awareness and safety to a whole new level. Check out this video for fun allergy safety rules.

Kair Bath Visor/ Shampoo shield for Adults I am more than pleased with the Kair bath visor. As some of you already know that the Kair bath visor was a product that I searched for to end my own shampoo woes with my son. A friend of mine takes care […]
What is a security blanket? A security blanket is a comfort object for a baby that can be carried forth to their toddler years. It is mostly common in infants. It is known by different names throughout the world like blankey or lovey, cuddle buddy, snuggle blanket and many cute […]
Bringing Baby Home So it all started at a hospital on the Goldcoast of Australia where I decided to discharge myself after an emergency C-Section. I was excited to bring my baby home, put the baby in his cute clothes and share this wonderful space with him. My husband was […]