As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. A dad tired of all the fussing and fighting during bath time invented a shampoo shield/ shampoo hat that prevents water from getting into your eyes. This particular invention I have grown fond of as I too was tired of soap in my son’s eyes and all that crying at bath time which is supposed to be fun time.
Firstly, the packaging of this bath visor is impressive. You can tell that this dad inventor put his all into not just the bath visor but the presentation. It just shows you that inside lies one quality product and a life saver to some. The Kair bath visor comes in three vibrant colours; blue, green and purple. What I also like about this baby shower cap is that is not flimsy and creates a seal when you wear it to prevent that feared water and soap coming down the face.
The Kair bath visor makes a great baby shower present, is useful in the Paediatric ward, Nursing homes, special needs children and anyone fussy about soap and water in their face including adults.
As per Kair website; “the KAIR Bath Visor is the elite, ultimate shampoo solution for kids and parents alike. The patented unique air cushion sealing works like an inner tube. By utilizing the EVEN and GENTLE air pressure inside the sealing tube, KAIR provides consistent sealing effects along the hairline for all head shapes and sizes. KAIR guarantees comfort and leak proof.”
The Kair bath visor is available at http://bubpals.com/product/kair-bath-visor-shampoo-shield-baby-shower-cap-shampoo-visor/
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
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