Precious Children, Priceless Smiles
Best Oral Health Care Starts at Age Zero Project
Gold Coast Oral Health Service, Goldcoast Health
This is an opportunity for all eligible children aged 0-3 yrs to be seen by the specialist paediatric dentist and receive dental care from a specialized dental team at the Gold coast Oral Health Service.
Looking to recruit 100 eligible children aged 0-3 yrs to participate in this community oral health initiative that aims to prevent the onset of dental caries and treat early caries lesions to stop progression.
Treatments and/or services provided will include:
- Dental examination and risk assessment of the children
- Customized oral health education
- Customized age-appropriate in-office preventive treatment
- Customized age-appropriate take-home oral health products
- Baby’s oral health record and resource handbook
- Comprehensive treatment if indicated
*To be eligible, parent/ guardian has to be a concession or pension card holder
For Enquiry or To Make An Appointment, Please Contact 1300300850 or Email GCOHS_PricelessSmiles@health.gov.qld.au
Information from Precious Children, Priceless Smiles Flyer, 2014 (Gold Coast Health, Queensland Government)