Thanksgiving for Kids
Many of us Australians do not celebrate thanksgiving but when you think about our multicultural society, blended families and the numerous dinners we have been invited to for thanksgiving; it makes sense to incorporate some thanksgiving festivities whenever we can.
Thanksgiving is not just about the day but it is a season. You can start of the month of November teaching gratitude to your children especially your toddlers. Though it may seem like they are too young, they will remember these lessons and hopefully grow up to be grateful and content adults.
One of the great ideas that has made the shortlist is a thanksgiving tree. You can make one from cardboard and get you family or class to add leaves everyday of the things they are thankful for. You can help your children think outside the box and not just be grateful of material things.
Another good idea is making cards for friends and sharing. Thanksgiving is about sharing and if your toddler is like mine they are used to receiveing gifts. This season they can also give little gifts to their friends in the form of art or whatever ideas are blossoming in their active minds.
Watch the reaction on your toddlers face as they realise that they can make a turkey from a hand print. This is totally awesome!
I came across the idea of Thanksgiving Bingo and that seems like so much fun. There are many printable versions available online. You can print and laminate and either use chips of you liking as markers.The Bingo caller will call out the names on the bingo mat and you can mark it.
Thanksgiving Songs for Kids
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