I never thought the day would come when my one and only, sweet pumpkin pie, cherry plum, tutti frutti waffle… Ok ok! My beloved son would be moving to the toddler class! I knew the day would come one day but I never thought it would be today! My husband picked me up from work and told me that my son will be moving up. He seemed so excited. He will be transitioning he said, so he gets to have a feel of it and gradually move in.
My world came crumbling down. I immediately became upset. I challenged my husband and asked him why he would want this on our son? Did he understand that our baby is still a baby? Who is going to feed him? Does this mean we have to potty train? He is only 15 months for crying out loud! I knew he was just the bearer of bad news but I had to take it out on someone.
We are trying to work with little man and get him comfortable with feeding himself. I am relieved that he is not going to starve as they will still feed him. I was reluctant about him sleeping on a mattress on the floor. The first day I picked him up he managed to sleep for a record breaking 2hours! He had never done this in the baby class in his “comfortable” cot.
I am proud to say I am a changed person now. I am convinced that this is good for him. He will always be my baby but I need to let him grow. He is running around and full of energy and he needs to be in a suitable environment. That is right, my baby is a toddler and is now in the toddler class.
Please feel free to share your experiences. If anyone is struggling with this transition.
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.