It seems like yesterday when we were at our prenatal classes. I remember learning so much in one class. When my baby was born, every mommy milestone was a celebration. I finally was comfortable immersing my little man in the bath, I could breastfeed with my eyes closed, I was an expert at smelling a dirty diaper and changing it too. My baby did not need rocking to sleep anymore and with the help of my mother, he was now an expert at taking the bottle. Then the first tooth erupted! Yes, that jostled me out of my false sense of security. What did they say to do with babies first teeth by the way? Nothing! I felt betrayed! I had to do the work people.
I remember seeing all those toddlers coming into the hospital for a general anaesthetic to remove rotten teeth and cleaning. Parents neglecting baby teeth because they were not educated about oral health in young children. I surely did not want my baby to go under a general anaesthetic just because I had neglected his teeth. It is not just the anaesthetic that I was worried about; tooth decay in primary teeth can also affect permanent teeth. An infection does not know to stay in one place.
A paediatric dentist recommended I try spiffies tooth wipes. Spiffies was developed by a Paediatrician with first hand knowledge in early childhood tooth decay. Xylitol impregnated tooth wipes to the rescue!
Xylitol is a natural sugar that prevents tooth decay as bacteria that cause tooth decay cannot feed on it. The more you use this; the bacteria is starved and actually die. No bad bacteria means less plaque, less plaque means no cavities.
I will be doing a product review of spiffies in my next entry. http://bubpals.com/product/spiffies-grape-flavour-toothwipes-2/
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Ok, so your twelve months is up and you are exactly two weeks away from returning to work. The count down starts now. Palms sweating, stomach churning… I think I am getting a mini panic attack! Goodbye sleeping in and napping when baby naps. Goodbye internet shopping whenever I felt bored. Last but no least, goodbye Chuggington and Pingu; I was started to understand you a little bit. Oops, did I say I am going to miss spending time with my munchkin? Yes ma’am I am going to miss my little man. All that laughing and goofing around, going through the sleepless nights when he met different milestones and he wanted to practice in the middle of the night.
Searching for day cares was no fun, every day care was not good enough for my son. My standards were high and I wanted the best for him. Then there were times when I did not want him to go to day care and was happy when I heard the six words “no spaces in the baby class”. Now I get the dream day care; one child is leaving town and my little man is in. I am also impressed that they have an open door policy. I can bring him in for a play before I return to work and stay with him for the whole day.
I am not feeling good about these kids, they are looking at my baby funny. I am trying to loosen up but you have no clue what it feels like when 8 babies are staring at you. Soon enough my son starts crawling and exploring. There is a big sigh from me and the rest of the babies shout out “welcome, sit down, you are one of us now”, in their God Father’s Al Pacino voice… Sorry I think I was hallucinating.
Alarm goes off at 5am and it is my first day of work. I am at work and everyone is loving me. I feel like Alicia Coutts, what a great welcome! It feels good to be back, talking to grown up people for a change.
Second week everything is downhill from now, It is like I never left! What was your experience?
In the mean time, in between time parents. Take care of that precious child and your beautiful self.
Isn’t it funny how time flies, I remember expecting my first baby and preparing for that special day. The television program Labour and Delivery was my addiction. Baby is here, “done with that”. The emotions of the birth process was both scary and fulfilling. Next came the book “What to Expect The First Year” very informative “done with that again”. Now I’m chanting Mickey Mouse Club House. Wow! I wonder what is going to be the next phase?